Gemeinsam mit den Somero StipendiatInnen und den jungen Frauen, die wir ab Anfang kommenden Jahres in die Förderung aufnehmen möchten, haben wir einen wunderbaren Tag im Wildlife Education Centre in Entebbe und im Botanischen Garten am Victoria See verbracht. Bei Gesprächen und Spielen hatten die Teilnehmerinnen die Gelegenheit sich kennenzulernen. Eine Stipendiatin berichtet:
„We went to Entebbe to visit the zoo and to enjoy our holidays and leisure, to learn more about each other and to become friends, and last but not least we made the tour to fresh up our minds and to run away from stress. From the zoo we went to the Botanical Garden. We had a lot of fun after our delcious lunch. Some went to swim and playing beach volleyball. At the end we had a discussion with all participants to talk about how we can be successful in our life and studies. I really enjoyed that day very much and had a lot of fun. Knowing each other is the best way to solve problems and to help each other. I hope we can have such a wonderful and educational programme again, maybe every year. Thanks to Somero for helping us to make our dream come true!“